Ask HN: Who Wants a Penpal?

121 points by sdsd 4 days ago

Surely I'm not the only lonely computer nerd here :)

If you're interesting in finding a penpal, post in this thread with the following format:

  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info:
To prevent spambots from scraping this like they do the hiring threads, please obscure your contact info.
givemeethekeys 4 days ago

Man, I miss this aspect about ICQ (and the internet from the late 90's). Everyone I met online was awesome and from some far away cool place. And if they were anywhere near you - like, let's say, half a day's worth of driving near you - then they were totally down to meet in person!

  • somenameforme 4 days ago

    The era just prior was even better IMO. BBSes were the best - bulletin board systems. Basically they were locally hosted servers, mostly ran on dial up connections. So they were almost entirely local, and usually with no more than one or two people on at the same time - though some hosts went crazy. I remember one guy had a 16 line connection! Games, chat, file sharing, and all of the best parts of the internet, with none of what it's turned into. And all 100% local. 'Hey guys up for a BBQ this weekend?' was a thing.

    It also had a way better sex ratio, for reasons I don't really understand in hindsight. It was at least ~30% female. Many a match was made on those sites, not just hookup stuff, but people actually forming real relationships.

    • JoyfulTurkey 4 days ago

      My go to game on our local BBS was Legend of the Red Dragon.

      • somenameforme 4 days ago

        I spent far too many hours playing Trade Wars. It's really a game that I think would probably do well with a reboot. Such amazing depth, room for unlimited players, and such a great strategic layer.

        There was also that one game where you went deep down into some dungeon, and had the option of taking various drugs for buffs while also dealing with side effects. It was weird, and fun.

    • varjag 4 days ago

      BBSes certainly lacked the global reach.

      • wenc 4 days ago

        Being local was an advantage. As a 15 year old kid, I met so many people from BBSes in real life who were much older than me, but we had all the same reference points because we were all local. The older folks took care of the younger folks because we were all part of the same community.

        And contrary to what people might think, BBSes weren't full of neckbeards. There were people from all walks of life (lawyers, doctors, people with families, singles, men, women, kids like me). For something so "techie" it was unexpectedly diverse.

        I remember my BBS days fondly. I wish we had something similar that was local (and no, not like Next Door which is full of busybodies and complainers)

        • danenania 4 days ago

          > I wish we had something similar that was local (and no, not like Next Door which is full of busybodies and complainers)

          I wonder if it's possible now or if that kind of experience simply belongs to a bygone era. Next Door should in theory be what you're looking for, but it seems like now that everyone's online instead of just early adopters, the current state of Next Door is just what you get with a location-based community that anyone can join.

          • wenc 4 days ago

            It's about having a curated community.

            In the early days, BBSes were frequented by cognoscenti because not everyone had modems. There was a natural curation mechanism which kept the quality high. There was also moderation -- BBS systems like WildCat allowed sysops to appoint moderators.

            Quora in the early days was a community of curious people, and many were startup founders and well-known people in the valley. It went downhill when it tried to growth hack, which attracted a flurry of low quality answers that made it devolve into a Yahoo Answers.

            The problem with Next Door is that it is democratization without curation. It doesn't have to be this way. HN for instance is democratization with curation (thanks to the efforts of @dang), and it works very well.

            • somenameforme 4 days ago

              I think it was more about the community than the curation. I remember on one quite large BBS there was a guy who was a complete troll and ass - his username was Nihilist. It turned out he was a young adult with some sort of a degenerative, and terminal, muscular disorder. Modern times would definitely call him "toxic" or whatever, but he was just another part of the community, and when he passed, it was a somber day. It felt much more like a family. And in your family, even your crazy uncle is still always a part of the family.

              The first internet based BBSs, which now enabled people to login via telnet and could host magnitudes greater number of users, really started to lose alot of that community aspect of the local systems.

            • danenania 4 days ago

              dang certainly does a great job moderating HN, but I'll venture to say it would still have a far more open-minded and intellectually curious vibe than Next Door even if it were left unmoderated.

              I think the problem with Next Door is that traits like these (which HN tends to aggregate) are rare in the general population. To get the vibe you want, you'd probably need to curate to the point that you'd be blocking like 70% of people or more. And that has its own issues, since it would then feel like some kind of closed elitist club—which also definitely wasn't the atmosphere in the internet's early days.

              • varjag 4 days ago

                I disagree. Unmoderated HN would have become 4chan at this point.

  • JoyfulTurkey 4 days ago

    RIP ICQ. I met met quite a few long distance chat friends on there. Never met anyone in person from there, though.

    In my area, we had the Cleveland Freenet with an IRC server. Met a lot of friends in real life from there—I believe they also had periodic picnic meetups but I never went to one of those. Briefly dated someone in HS after we met in an IRC channel, and one of my real life friends met his future wife on a freenet in neighboring state that we could access.

    I also had a personal site that a random girl my age a few states over found. She emailed me and we started corresponding for years over email, AOL/AIM and hand written letters. We still do on occasion. We met in person about 13 years after we first emailed.

  • InexSquirrel 4 days ago

    How do you see ICQ being different to something like Discord these days? I joined the internet at the tail end of ICQ just before things like MSN Messenger started becoming a mainstay for my immediate group, so am curious.

    • givemeethekeys 4 days ago

      ICQ had two groups:

      - Your immediate friends who you personally knew and exchanged ICQ numbers with to add each other. You couldn't just find them... you needed to know their numbers.

      - Everyone else you "found" by searching / randomly connecting with when they / you set your status to "Free to Chat" as opposed to just "Online".


      - Until the MSN Messenger / AOL IM years, ICQ was p2p - both parties needed to be online in order for conversations to take place. So, in a way there was a more skin in the game in order for it to work. Conversations meant more.


      - It being the early days of the internet, it felt more special - ICQ, BBS, IRC, and web forums is how people found each other. There was no Reddit, even Digg came much later.

  • wvenable 4 days ago

    I met my wife on ICQ. There were a bunch of filters you could apply to random chat function (age / location / etc) and then you could just randomly chat with someone. I met a lot of people that way.

  • legohead 4 days ago

    met my wife from another country on a free penpal website some 25 years ago. wasn't a dating site, just sign up with your email, write a short introduction, and wait for someone to write you.

  • manuelmoreale 4 days ago

    I know it’s not the same thing but I had a blog for 7 years, I always tell people to email if they want to engage and had hundreds of exchanges with people from all over that were nothing but a delight. It’s still possible to have great digital interactions, it just takes a bit of effort.

  • kredd 4 days ago

    Although I was a bit too young, but the haydays of ICQ and Yahoo Group chats were mesmerizing. It was kinda remarkable how I never thought “a comment has a financial motive behind it” like I do while scrolling through Twitter or Reddit. Or maybe I just grew up.

  • spacecadet 4 days ago

    In the late 90s my brother and I drove our Volvos 3 states away(yes separately, with handheld radios and a gazetteer) to a Volvo only meetup and track day that we found online, really just to put faces to usernames. It was awesome. #turbobricks

    • givemeethekeys 4 days ago

      I don't understand why this is being downvoted, but I had a similar experience meeting some people from an online community that I'd been a part of - drove 300 clicks to meet them and they looked nothing like I'd imagined them to be! It was a very cool time - we just called each other by our handles because that felt more natural than using the real names.

      My handle was more embarrassing out loud than it was on the internet :).

      • em-bee 4 days ago

        My handle was more embarrassing out loud

        hah, i had a similar experience. originally i spelt my nick "embe", but once i heard someone on an in person meeting pronounce it with a stress on the first e, and a short low stress second e, that sounded totally wrong, so i changed the spelling to "embee" to get them to pronounce it right.

      • spacecadet 3 days ago

        LOL I know why, Im a salty old hacker that leaves tons of mean comments on hacker news. KARMA.

  • harry_ord 4 days ago

    My experience was with gamefaqs. The regional boards, where I lived was small enough for one but had a lot of active users. Made quite a few friends and it helped me get my first provisional job

  • jackstraw14 4 days ago

    Those really were the days. Met a few people online back then that I would have called real friends, but I didn't even know their real name.

manuelmoreale 4 days ago

Couple of things:

1. I wrote countless of times on my site that I love emailing with people so if you want to engage in conversation my email is public and it’s also in my profile here

2. I’m also more than happy to send actual mail. Like handwritten on paper. If you like that send me an email and I’ll give you an address.

3. If you like the concept of having penpals this app is worth checking out

  • haunter 4 days ago

    Slowly looks interesting, thanks!

    Edit: crashes on my phone, can't sign up :(

    • manuelmoreale 4 days ago

      Ah bummer. They do have a web version though if I’m not mistaken.

odomojuli 4 days ago

alias: J.

interests: mathematics, cooking/recipes, culture/arts

languages: Please write to me in any language from anywhere!! And please send math papers!! I'm trying to learn as many languages as I can right now. My current focus is French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German – then Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Korean, Arabic, and Haitian Creole. I'm going to focus op top-30 most spoken-by-people, then top 30 most spoken-by-countries, then a survey of languages without any incentive (Navajo, Irish, Greek, Hawaiian, Latin, Sanskrit, in general, Classical Languages, Medieval Languages, Modern Languages). I started this journey in August 2023 knowing only N1 Japanese.

link to something you think is cool: I would so love to do whole Erdős wanderer thing and focus on publishing papers in different countries with different people in different languages. I like the whole peripatetic element of thinking and living and working and dreaming.

link to something that does not exist: I am building a 'tiny' LLM that is taking a novel approach to language translation. It is incredibly nice to continue this research because I have begun to actually understand more people now and I feel less lonely. It is getting better, but I am absolutely not in any hurry to capitalize on it. I can send you samples of its output by hand in parallel to my own manual translation.

Contact: Write me an email, and we can exchange mailing addresses!

> info[U+0040]odomojuli[U+002E]com

Note: I really love postcards, postage, lettering and hand-made art prints. If you have any appreciation for these things, please let me know – it can take a bit of effort.

  • TbobbyZ 4 days ago

    How's it going learning many languages at once? Are you conversational with all of them?

    • odomojuli 4 days ago

      Absolutely not! I think if I focused on maybe, one language I could see adopting basic proficiency and fluency by the US State Dept's rubric in like... 44-ish weeks, some languages 66+.

      What is helping is that this is training my ear and tongue, it's becoming more comfortable to transition between grammars and pronunciations.

      • voisin 4 days ago

        What’s your process or weekly schedule for learning so many languages at once? What resources do you use or how do you approach a language?

as1mov 4 days ago

I wonder if mods would be interested in hosting a official IRC channel for the site. Though now that I look back on my own memories of IRC, the amount of drama is probably not worth the hassle for the them hah. Perhaps an unofficial channel would still be nice.

  • oooyay 4 days ago

    There's one on Libera, but it's more of a feed

dkdkdkdkdkdkd 4 days ago

  alias: T.
  interests: I love to talk about hacking/computer security/embedded security and related topics, literature, spending time in nature, hiking, botany, vegetarian cooking, weight loss, remote sensing technologies, archeology, history, philosophy, finance/investing/company valuation (no crypto), electronic music (production), hobby electronics, art, language learning, anything you are weirdly passionate about, ...
  language(s): en 
  link to something you think is cool: there are so many things ! but a somewhat representative selection of current open tabs

  - etc.

  contact info:
leononame 4 days ago

alias: leononame

Interests: politics, literature, music, film and to some degree art (would love to be in touch with someone who's interested in painting and can make me understand it better) and programming I love cooking as well and I guess I can be interested for anything related to technology.

Languages: German, English, Spanish. Anything else via Google translate

Something that's cool: I recently watched the movie "Drive My Car", very strong recommendations to watch.

Contact info: me[squiggly a]lho[dot]io

GauntletWizard 4 days ago

I'm a lonely computer nerd, and yet despite having made a lot of friends on the internet in my youth, I'm no longer willing to do so. The internet has gotten too weird and polarized, and quite frankly I don't like the people who share my interests. Most nerds are living in fantasy worlds, not just part-time.

The problem is one of degrees - Anyone you notice on a big site is likely posting very often - "Terminally online" is the word. The more niche you go, they are alternatively deeper into their own fantasy worlds. I haven't figured out how to arrange coincidence; Repeated coincidental meetings have long been studied to be the basis of friendship, and intentionally going to "meetups" where the attendance is common but not fixed is the best way to foster that.

Online matchmaking has been the biggest problem here - You are guaranteed a game, but you'll never run into the same people twice. Once upon a time you had localish communities form around servers that were low-ping to them, which really worked well - You were likely to run into the same people, and they were likely to be nearby but not so close that you'd have run into them anyway.

  • lye 4 days ago

    Unless you're living in the middle of nowhere and the only people you're close to are the ones you have nothing in common with. Besides superficial characteristics like ethnicity and language. These threads are a blessing for some of us.

glth 4 days ago

  alias: G.
  interests: computers, programming languages, programmatic puzzles, bacteriophages
  language(s): en, fr
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info: moeie.gyj/btfgxnc (Vigenère cipher, the key is this website's name)
xandrius 4 days ago

Alias: X

Interests: creative (video/board) game design/dev (e.g. tiny games exploring philosophical and societal topics), food (including pizza/breadmaking, cheesemaking and fermentation), travelling, nature, camping, hiking, hacking, unique and creative anime/manga/books, whittling, gardening (no dig, regenerative), Ted Chiang, Victorian travelogues and relaxation.

Language(s): English

Link to something you think is cool:




Contact info:

postrock 4 days ago

  alias: V
  interests: gardening (no dig, organic, regenerative), music (post rock, rock, metal, rap/hip hop, some electronic/pop), programming/software, politics (I just like observing from a distance), economics, astrophysics/space (not deeply into science anymore, but sometimes I like to think about things) 
  language(s): English
  link to something you think is cool: clickable link below
  contact info: postrock <A T> fastmail <D 0 T> com
eslaught 4 days ago

  alias: Elliott
  interests: science fiction, mental health, programming (of course), writing, and an eclectic assortment of other topics; happy to talk about just about anything
  language(s): English
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info: run the program at or see my profile for Keybase (can be used to bootstrap Signal if you want)
xigoi 3 days ago

    alias: xigoi
    interests: mathematics, programming, programming languages, numeration systems, minimalism, code golf, constructed languages, board games, puzzles, Minecraft, Minetest, public transport, egalitarianism
    language(s): English, Czech
    link to something you think is cool:
    contact info: e-mail at with the same username as here
coldblues 4 days ago

  alias: ?

  interests: privacy, security, Gwern, note-taking, Zettelkasten, ergonomics (keyboard layouts, mice, etc), nootropics, ADHD, memorization, learning, programming, Linux, old and memorable design (Gnome 2, Aqua), Jonathan Blow, Casey Muratori, hacker cultures, decentralization, piracy, fast and efficient software, music, esoteric and obscure internet rabbit holes, anonymous networks, manga, anime, shooter games, hard science fiction (Blindsight)

  language(s): english

  link to something you think is cool:

  contact info: Signal blind.22
artisanspam 4 days ago

Thank you for making this post. I always love chatting with people.

Alias: artisanspam

Interests: Philosophy pertaining to both political theory and how to live “the good life,” cycling, violin, piano, jazz, PC gaming, design of the built environment (city design, interior design, landscaping) and how it shapes you, meditation, Buddhism (from a secular perspective)

Language(s): English

Link to something you think is cool: Pertaining to built-environment design, I find this YouTube channel interesting:

Contact info: in bio.

__rito__ 4 days ago

alias: rito

interests: Programming Languages, Mathematics, poetry, art (paintings mainly), books (interesting non fiction like Simon Singh, novels by authors like Marquez, Greg Egan, Neal Stephenson), Philosophy, mysticism, anything that tickles my brains, really

languages: English, Bengali

link to something I think is cool:

contact info: mail on profile, @<last word of scientific name of humans>_rg_telegraph on Telegram (remove <>)

akudha 4 days ago

Those interested in postcards, check out this site -

This has been around for many years. Though it is mostly for sending postcards, you can still make penpal friends through the site. I have sent handwritten letters to people from the site. I am not that active anymore, but still keep in touch with a couple of people I met on the site.

Highly recommended

LonelyTree 4 days ago

  alias: Alex

  interests: philosophy, startups, photography (film and digital), aerospace, astronomical phenomenon, motorcycles, outdoor adventures, Landcruisers, flying aircraft

  language: English (translators exist so don't hesitate to reach out!!)

  link to something you think is cool:

  contact info: mail in profile
  • grep_name 4 days ago

    > contact info: mail in profile

    I don't think it is actually. Lot of shared interests here though

    • gabrielsroka 3 days ago

      Email is for the mods only. you'd have to add it to About.

Tweezers7359 4 days ago

  alias: Kurapka
  interests: running, books, travel, dystopian movies
  language(s): EN
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info:
sdsd 4 days ago

I'll start :3

  alias: darigo
  interests: odd operating systems like templeos and Genera, far right politics, far left politics, far center politics, latin america, fencing (HEMA and olympic), self improvement
  language(s): english, spanish
  link to something you think is cool: webrings like
  contact info: ~motluc-nammex (iykyk) or run this Racket code: (string-append (list->string (map (λ (c) (integer->char (- (char->integer c) 1000))) (string->list "ќѐэЖђэћѝћЖщўёєэћ"))) "")
  • glitchcrab 4 days ago

    Dumb question; what are far centre politics? Surely by definition centrist politics can't be far - far just puts them as left or right.

    • sdsd 4 days ago

      That's not a dumb question! If anything, my wording was dumb :) The more usual term is "radical centrism" ( I would say someone like Richard Hanana or rationalists like Scott Alexander have a centrism that is much more radical than someone who merely doesn't have strong political opinions. For a more parodial take on radical centrism, jreg's youtube channel talks about it a lot. He's an anticentrist:

      • glitchcrab 4 days ago

        This makes much more sense now; thank you!

    • animuchan 4 days ago

      I actually love this definition!

      A "centrist" when talking about a layperson might suggest them having an amorphous, indifferent position.

      In our here local politics, a "centrist" politician is strongly assumed to be a political prostitute, a puppet in search of a generous master.

      I take a "far centrist" to mean compromise-seeking in a deliberate way, which is a fun concept to consider.

      • wenc 4 days ago

        My circles, centrist politics just mean "complex" case-by-case politics.

        By this definition, most reasonable people are centrist. We are forced to pick a team to get the numbers but our positions can and do differ from the party line.

    • jll29 4 days ago

      To ensure any piece of text is "far center" (= unbiased), check out - if text you paste in does not change after pressing the green button, it's unbiased, otherwise biased sentenced are highlighted in yellow, and hovering over them gives you an explanation, about which of 27 bias types was discovered.

      • Booktrope 4 days ago

        I think of far-centerist as extremely unideological. To me, ideologies are systematically organized collections of ideas, often hierarchically, with core ideas (or assumptions) given a paramount or supreme position. They almost all provide a certain level of insight and huge errors, because no system of ideas describes the world in a complete or fully accurate way. So, a far-centrist in my view is open to using ideas from whatever ideology, or some that associate with no ideology, for what they're worth.

        If by far center, you mean unbiased, well, we're all biased to some degree. Actually it's very hard not to be quite biased in some way, whether ideologically or stylistically, or any of the more gross forms of bias most of us have to wrestle with, being human.

        A bias scanner can be useful in identifying bias, but you can be ideological and non-biased, in which case, you're just using the bias scanner to reduce your bias. That's a good thing to do, but I'd call it, a kind of self-moderation, which might attenuate partisanship but for sure isn't necessarily centrist at all.

  • lagniappe 4 days ago

    That looks like an urbit name, right? I've been wanting to try it out and have access to a small amount of currency. What do you suggest?

    • sdsd 4 days ago

      Yep! It's actually free to get a ship:

      Feel free to email me using the email address from my post and I can show you some good apps, introduce you to people, etc. It's fun.

kxrm 4 days ago

  alias: kxrm
  interests: audio engineering, video, radio, all streaming technologies, encryption, music, vintage computing
  language(s): English
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info:
codetrotter 4 days ago

    alias: codetrotter
    interests: FreeBSD, ZFS, computer graphics, Bitcoin
    language(s): Rust, English
    link to something you think is cool:
    contact info:
spudlyo 4 days ago

    alias: spud
    interests: books (Austen atm), emacs, songwriting, cooking, guitar, politics, writing, databases, weight loss, health
    language(s): English
    link to something you think is cool:
    contact info: In my HN bio!
breck 4 days ago

  alias: breck
  interests: family, friends, science, nature, freedom, programming languages
  language(s): scroll
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info:
zevra 4 days ago

alias: zevra interests: analyzing and watching people, computer networking, technical theatre, an academic interest in fraud and deception, spiritual beliefs and societal conventions and rules specifically how they effect individuals and populations, lots of other things I can't remember right now. language(s): english link to something you think is cool: contact info:

hxii 4 days ago

alias: hxii

interests: programming, productivity, adhd, stoicism, video and computer games, organization, music, travel, technology, the small web and pretty much anything else.

languages: English, Python, Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, maybe Lua

cool stuff:

contact: ten.kahsulg@luap reversed or @MrPaul on Telegram

clestro 4 days ago

alias: clestro

interests: Classic rock, psychology, cybersecurity, privacy, hacking, startups, Linux, FOSS, onebag, skateboarding, playing guitar/bass, bouldering, vinyl records, muscle cars, magic tricks, improv, standup comedy, nyc/bay area.

language(s): English

link to something you think is cool:

contact info: (will disable once spam starts to come in)

aogposton 4 days ago

alias: aogposton

interests: North Korea people, Authoritarian governments, productivity, catholicism, poetry, art, music, robotics, politics, exercise

languages: English (native), Korean (advanced), c, c++, javascript/typscript, php, python


contact info:

-alternis 4 days ago

alias: alternis

interests: Mathematics, First-Order Logic, Computability, Computer Science, Systems Programming, Finite Element Modelling/Analysis,

Languages: English, French (But my french is only ok)

Link to something you find interesting:

Contact Info: alternis(DOT)0x{11111111 in hex}

hyperfuturism 4 days ago

good idea, here's mine:

  alias: abyss
  interests: crypto, anime, philosophy, indie game dev, japanese indie bands, vtubers, ai, physics, programming, prediction markets, league.
  language(s): english, 
  link to something you think is cool:
  contact info: @abysstrades on telegram or
dbg31415 4 days ago

I think this would work better as a Discord server.

  • sdsd 4 days ago

    If you make one, I'd join it. I've found Discord less satisfying - lots of superficial chat, rather than longform, thoughtful communication. I haven't used it a ton, though. Any servers you recommend?

  • Alexsky2 4 days ago

    Ya this is an interesting idea. Id join.

willmeyers 4 days ago

alias: will

interests: programming, websites, games, painting and drawing, movies, long walks, making things with people, niche communities, design.

language(s): english

link to something you think is cool: People are so dang creative.

contact info: in bio

fuero 4 days ago

alias: fuero interests: board games, computer games, languages languages: english, german link to something you think is cool: contact info: fuero.56

  • alericbdent 4 days ago

    Hi, wow, are you me? Would love to chat. Sadly I can't find any contact info or am too stupid to see it. :-/ If you like, find me on telegram, user name as above.

    • lye 4 days ago

      I'm pretty sure it's a Signal ID.

axis093 4 days ago

interests: privacy, security, computers, rpg/ttrpg, tabletop games, programming, electronics, music festivals

language(s): English, Polish, Un poco Español

link to something you think is cool:

contact info: (will be removed after some time or if I get too much spam)

low_tech_punk 4 days ago

It's just damn cool to see how many ways there are to obfuscate email addresses

whatindaheck 4 days ago

alias: whatindaheck

interests: outdoors, cycling, movies, armchair politics, fabrics

language(s): en

link to something you think is cool: - awesome hiking gear

contact info: (will disable once spam starts flooding in)

nittanymount 4 days ago

interesting, penpal is a stranger you are familiar with, it is different to how folks talk here. while, it is one type of communication channel, has pros and cons...

codingclaws 4 days ago

alias: codingclaws

interests: piano, React, SwiftUI

languages: English, European Portuguese, JavaScript, Swift

contact info: site and email in profile

TekMol 4 days ago

How does everyone here feel about IRC?

The #startups channel is a great place to meet indie makers who build stuff and are interested in technology.

  • em-bee 4 days ago

    which IRC network? there are several

    • TekMol 4 days ago

eliseabock 4 days ago

hell yeah I love community

alias: jah

interests: essentially every branch of philosophy, hacking/infosec, startups, cooking unusual meals, literature, math, theories of intelligence, sharing life stories, listening to smart people talk

language(s): English and a little bit of French (still learning)

link: (I like AIT a lot)

info: вцудды0ч (English but typed with Russian keyboard)

  • tintedfireglass 4 days ago

    That's a real good way to filter out not only spam but also low effort mail. Kudos that's so very innovative and intriguing tbh

  • __rito__ 4 days ago

    What is the last character? 'c' or 'ch'?

    • lye 4 days ago

      'ч' reads like 'ch', but I think you've decoded it the wrong way.

      • __rito__ 4 days ago

        So, you think it is based on physical layout of keys, and not character mapping? I am thinking of that, too.

chaoskanzlerin 4 days ago

Reading these short self-descriptions makes me weirdly disappointed in my own life. You know, undergrad while living with parents while being a repressing queer while having crippling ADHD.