Ask HN: Is Substacks AI disclaimer valid?

1 points by rurp 3 days ago

The only general support channel that Substack offers ( is an AI chatbot with the following disclaimer:

"This is an automated service provided as a convenience. Support chats may provide inaccurate or incomplete information, and are not a substitute for reviewing Substack's terms and policies. You understand that the support chat cannot speak for Substack, modify or waive our terms or policies, or make any binding promises to you."

It sounds like they are essentially saying that their own support system is useless and unreliable, and they take no responsibility for that. There was a notable case in Canada several months ago where an airline was forced to honor statements made by their support LLM. In this case it seems like Substack wants the ease and cost savings of not providing any real support to paying customers, without any downsides. I'm wondering if this is the future of support (or lack thereof) for most corporations.

Does this sort of absolute disclaimer actually work to shield the company from any real obligations?