The Alto is another example of what Xerox could have been had it not been so wedded to putting dots on paper. In my twenty years at Xerox I watched it slowly (and then quickly) shrink as the dots on paper market shrank.
In an alternative universe, Xerox is mentioned in the same breath as Apple, Google, and Microsoft.
I was looking at the fonts and wondering if there is good documentation on how to read the files and convert them to modern bitmap formats (and, eventually, to non-bitmaps).
I reimplemented Cream for an Apple II educational program and it allowed the user to enter their name using it. I did that with a bit of imagination, the Take-1 Programmer's Toolkit (an awesome tool for the II) and a (Xerox, only now I notice the coincidence) photocopy of a BYTE article covering SmallTalk.
That long-running freelance job is probably why I didn't pursue a career as a hardware engineer and went deep into software.
We had one of these, at my first job. I wasn’t allowed to use it. I wrote most of my stuff in WordStar.
Come to think of it, I’m not sure I ever saw anyone actually spending a lot of time, writing anything. Most of us were allowed to play with it, but we weren’t really allowed to sit at it, and write docs.
Yeah, one of those machines (either the Palo or the Alto) was put on display near the entrance of the late Xerox PARC on Coyote hill (near VA). I was playing with the idea to power it but was told that it doesn't work anymore, at least the power supply is dead and allegedly there were also missing components... I suppose SRI will toss it soon if not already...
The Alto is another example of what Xerox could have been had it not been so wedded to putting dots on paper. In my twenty years at Xerox I watched it slowly (and then quickly) shrink as the dots on paper market shrank.
In an alternative universe, Xerox is mentioned in the same breath as Apple, Google, and Microsoft.
RIP to the Living Computers: Museum in Seattle… the last place I was ever able to use one of these machines in the flesh.
Previous Discussion:
Xerox Alto Source Code - - Oct 2014 (20 comments)
I was looking at the fonts and wondering if there is good documentation on how to read the files and convert them to modern bitmap formats (and, eventually, to non-bitmaps).
I reimplemented Cream for an Apple II educational program and it allowed the user to enter their name using it. I did that with a bit of imagination, the Take-1 Programmer's Toolkit (an awesome tool for the II) and a (Xerox, only now I notice the coincidence) photocopy of a BYTE article covering SmallTalk.
That long-running freelance job is probably why I didn't pursue a career as a hardware engineer and went deep into software.
We had one of these, at my first job. I wasn’t allowed to use it. I wrote most of my stuff in WordStar.
Come to think of it, I’m not sure I ever saw anyone actually spending a lot of time, writing anything. Most of us were allowed to play with it, but we weren’t really allowed to sit at it, and write docs.
Another piece of preserved software from the Alto is Medley Interlisp. This software is still alive today.
Yeah, one of those machines (either the Palo or the Alto) was put on display near the entrance of the late Xerox PARC on Coyote hill (near VA). I was playing with the idea to power it but was told that it doesn't work anymore, at least the power supply is dead and allegedly there were also missing components... I suppose SRI will toss it soon if not already...
What an incredible machine.