Structuring AI cognition around game-like principles
To structure AI cognition around game-like principles in neural networks, we must move beyond logic trees and embrace latent spaces, predictive models, and emergent learning.
1. From Logic Trees to Latent Spaces
Symbolic AI relies on explicit rules (if X, then Y), while neural networks encode information in latent spaces—continuous, high-dimensional structures that capture relationships implicitly.
How do we shape latent spaces so game-like structures emerge, enabling neural networks to interact with information as if playing a game?
Instead of hand-coded strategies, we must design architectures that naturally develop game-like reasoning through optimization.
2. From Rule-Based Games to Reinforcement Learning (RL) Games involve feedback, prediction, and strategy formation, aligning with reinforcement learning (RL):
Predicting outcomes = simulating moves.
Refining strategies = adapting through trial and error.
Developing world models = optimizing future choices.
Can we generalize RL structures beyond reward-driven environments, making learning game-like even outside traditional RL frameworks?
Self-play, curiosity-driven exploration, and intrinsic motivation push RL beyond explicit games into general cognition.
3. From Decsion Trees to Continuous Prediction Loops Symbolic AI treats cognition as discrete steps; neural networks continuously predict and update expectations. This mirrors predictive processing, where: The brain (or AI) anticipates sensory inputs. Errors update internal models, much like refining a game strategy.
Can we structure AI cognition around predictive loops rather than strict reward maximization? This aligns with active inference, where minimizing prediction error becomes the "game" itself. 4. From Hardcoded Game Rules to Emergent Learning Symbolic AI relies on predefined mechanics (e.g., chess rules), while neural networks thrive on unstructured data. A game-like AI must:
Discover meaningful rules autonomously.
Learn exploratory behaviors without explicit incentives. Generalize strategies across domains.
Can AI construct its own "games" from raw data, learning useful representations without predefined objectives? This requires self-supervised learning and meta-learning—teaching AI how to learn.
5. From External Tasks to a Game-Like Cognitive Framework Traditional AI sees games as external challenges. But human cognition is game-like by nature, constantly refining strategies.
A truly game-like AI must:
Interact with all data as an adaptive challenge. Set its own challenges, much like a player defining objectives.
Develop game-theoretic relationships with its environment.
Can AI treat all interactions—perception, memory, learning—as internal "games" where it dynamically sets rules and strategies?
This suggests that game-like cognition should be a fundamental AI principle, not just an application.
Conclusion: Can AI "Play" Its Way to Intelligence?
If cognition is fundamentally game-like, AI must go beyond playing games—it must turn reality into an evolving, self-directed learning process.
Instead of being trained to win pre-set games, AI should be designed to play its way to understanding, setting its own objectives and iterating like a skilled player refining strategies.