FollowingTheDao 6 hours ago

When this drug is provided to a larger population you are going to see heart issues pop up.

The sodium channel it blocks is the NaV1.8 channel which is made by the gene and enzyme called SCN10A. This channel is also found in the heart and mutations in SCN10a leads to long QT syndrome and arrhythmias.

Also, NaV1.8 sodium channels are sensitized by PGE2, an inflammatory prostaglandin which is made from omega six poly unsaturated fatty acids. Like the fatty acids found mostly in seed oils and in foods like beef, pork and fowl.

PGE2 is also lowered by the typical COC inhibitors like aspirin and Tylenol.

I have a feeling they’re purposely overlooking the fact that NaV1.8 is found on the heart.