jsheard 10 hours ago

Not only was it made with Blender, the final renders were done with Blenders semi-realtime Eevee engine rather than its max-fidelity Cycles engine. That reduced the compute required by orders of magnitude - the director said a render farm wasn't necessary because his local workstation could produce final-quality 4K frames in 0.5-10 seconds.

"Proper" production renderers like Cycles do look better of course, but having an alternative which is viable on a shoestring budget is very valuable.

  • eurekin an hour ago

    Cycle's renders are beautiful, but 10 minutes per frame can be a hard sell... I wonder, if anybody tried rendering in cycles to output eevee's primitves. I remember that was one of the tricks that architecture rendering community used - just paint with lights in places that a full blown global rendering/path tracing would do.

  • leonidasv 9 hours ago

    Now I'm curious how the film would look if it was rendered in Cycles, there are some lighting aspects that really feel "off". Perhaps now that the film is acclaimed they could release a remaster done in Cycles.

    • Fluorescence 4 hours ago

      I kind of hope they don't. I like the humble, democratic, FOSS spirit - it's like Dogme 95 / "Vows of Chastity".

      "rules to create films based on the traditional values of story, acting, and theme, while excluding the use of elaborate special effects or technology. It was supposedly created as an attempt to "take back power for the directors as artists" as opposed to the movie studio."


      I had a negative initial reaction to the animation style but it hooked me in and blew me away. It had virtues far more vital than render quality. In contrast, I bailed on "Inside Out 2" and have no interest retrying. I hope more people are encouraged to create lofi meaningful movies instead of thinking it's the preserve of billion dollar studios and sweat-shop animation factories.

    • Neywiny 2 hours ago

      Haven't watched yet but that was my gut reaction. When the engine first got stable released I tried it and was impressed at how quickly it got to a 90% solution, but the now complicated lighting scenarios that it couldn't handle took me back to cycles.

  • teruakohatu 9 hours ago

    I am out of touch with the latest and greatest Blender features. If best/highest fidelity renders are required, can Blender scale with a render farm?

    Last I heard that was the advantage of the propriety/in-house alternatives.

    • orlp 4 hours ago

      An 1.5 hour movie at 24 FPS has ~130k frames to render. As long as you have less machines than that the parallelization is essentially free.

    • hamaluik 9 hours ago

      Yup! https://www.sheepit-renderfarm.com/home Is a great community example of this.

      • ad-astra 5 hours ago

        I made my own distributed render orchestrator that supports Cycles + custom plugins. It uses Modal’s cloud compute APIs to spawn jobs on up to 20x containers with an L40S GPU (like 80% as fast as a 4090 with tons more VRAM) each. It ain’t cheap but it’s absurdly fast, and much easier in terms of cash flow than outright buying the equivalent GPUs.


        • sbarre 27 minutes ago

          That is possibly the most original README I've seen in a long time.

          I will admit it's a bit.. obfuscated, though?

    • zoky 8 hours ago

      Any embarrassingly parallel task can scale almost infinitely by throwing more resources at it.

      • touisteur 6 hours ago

        I think I've seen some amazing Blender hacker put Cycles to the test on a machine with both NVIDIA and Intel GPUs. Love it that their API seems that portable and able to parrallelize on heterogeneous hardware. Amazing software work.

        • Doxin 6 hours ago

          Getting blender to run on my NVIDIA GPU and AMD CPU simultaneously is as easy as checking two boxes in the settings. It's not usually worth it since the GPU absolutely smokes the CPU. it's a testament to how well blender is made that it works at all, let alone that trivially.

    • sznio 4 hours ago

      a stupid-simple approach would be to split up the render betweeen machines by manually starting it on each one and setting different frame ranges to render

  • pier25 8 hours ago

    Weren't Blender working on a more efficient cycles renderer?

  • raverbashing 8 hours ago

    Honestly yeah it won't be "perfect" but neither is a videogame being rendered in real time and it looks pretty good

    Since they're not going crazy with effects it seems like a good compromise

legitster 9 hours ago

I did not find Flow to be a technically impressive movie. The animation was very imperfect. The rendering (especially shadows and textures) were off. The whole movie looked like a video game cut scene.

But oh boy, what an amazing cutscene to watch. I'm worried that the story the media is putting forward is that this was an innovative and cutting edge movie - based only on a superficial appreciation of the (stunning) art design. But the real story is how the director worked within his limitations to make something equally enjoyable and meaningful as the other guys.

Most importantly, this movie passed the Actual Kid (TM) test. My 7 year old and his friends sat raptured through the entire movie without any slapstick, pop music numbers, or even dialogue! Not once, but 4 times now!

  • brundolf 8 hours ago

    A takeaway may be that cutting-edge rendering doesn't really matter for cartoon-stylized films, especially for kid viewers

    • stvltvs 6 hours ago

      Yep, grew up on cartoons like Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, etc. Looking at them now, they are laughably bad in most respects, but they sparked our imaginations and didn't need to be sophisticated to do it.

      • ChrisMarshallNY 4 hours ago

        But some of the really old (like 1940s) cartoons were very smooth and well-done. I have DVDs of old Tom & Jerry cartoons, and they are excellent.

        My experience, is that the ones made in the 1970s and 1980s had crap quality.

        I watched this movie, and think it very much deserved the Oscar, but the character rendering was a bit “scruffy.” The environment rendering was great, and it looks like they optimized for movement, in the characters, which was a good choice. Once I spent some time, watching, the rough rendering didn’t matter.

        I had a similar experience, watching Avatar. At first, it seemed like a cartoon, but I quickly became immersed, and the fact it was rendered, didn’t matter.

        I read, somewhere, that the movie is being re-rendered. I think they may have the money for that, now.

        • HelloNurse 2 hours ago

          Animation quality has always been a question of budget and motivation: the shortcuts (still or partially still images, reuse of cels and whole sequences, lower frame rate and systematically repeated frames, less effort at designing intermediate poses and timing them well, badly drawn interpolations between key frames...) are always the same and always available, with modest impact from technological advances (e.g. badly drawn interpolation done by a neural network or by an IK simulation instead of an inexpensive, overworked and unskilled artist).

          Crap quality is typical of cheap TV productions, e.g. Hanna-Barbera and some anime in the seventies and eighties.

          • ChrisMarshallNY an hour ago

            Spielberg did a great job on Animaniacs, so it is possible to do well.

            Many modern cartoons are 3D-rendered, and I feel a bit "uncanny-valley" about them. That may be, because I was raised on the classics.

      • Hoasi 5 hours ago

        If the goal is sparking the imagination, these flaws are often a feature, not a bug. You have to do a little bit of work to complete the picture. That's also why the original book is almost always better than the fully rendered movie inspired by the book. No matter the budget.

      • agumonkey 5 hours ago

        yes, there's a balance to get and visual "perfection" is nothing real, even star wars had blunders and visibly lesser tricks, but the whole created a deep sense of wonder and you got along

    • kevinventullo 6 hours ago

      I think Nintendo figured this out years ago. Their games are not graphically cutting-edge, but they still sell like crazy.

      • Liquix 4 hours ago

        nintendo has distilled their own flavor of "disney magic". their flagship games are polished beyond belief, the art direction is a careful choice. they hit the borderlands bullseye over and over - not particularly cutting edge to a gfx professional but unique, cohesive, and beloved.

  • deskr 2 hours ago

    The shaky camera is a deal breaker for me. Doesn't matter if it's animated or not, TV series or film. Shaky camera is an instant switch off for me.

  • crooked-v 9 hours ago

    I feel like it kind of fits in the same category as Hundreds of Beavers (also a fantastic film), as something using the roughness of low-cost methods as a genuine part of the artistic style.

  • watt 5 hours ago

    Recently I reminisced about Blender foundations first(?) effort, Tears of Steel, with the script like "Look, Celia, we have to follow our passions; you have your robotics and I just want to be awesome in space!" - "Why don’t you just admit that you’re freaked out by my robot hand?!"

    It's not about the textures and shadows.

    • seba_dos1 3 hours ago

      "Tears of Steel" was the fourth Blender Open Movie project. The first one was 2006's "Elephants Dream", then "Big Buck Bunny" and "Sintel".

      From the more recent ones I highly recommend "Sprite Fright".

  • guelo 6 hours ago

    Weird, my actual 10 year old was quickly bored and lost interest.

    • bdangubic 6 hours ago

      same - 11-year old. movie buff too.

      • sbarre 25 minutes ago

        It's almost like different people have different tastes or something.. ;-)

tzs 10 hours ago

That's kind of surprising. Academy members are not required to watch all the nominees for Best Animated Feature before voting. In fact they are not require to watch any of them.

Several years ago I remember that after a year where the movie that won best animated was not the one that those in the animation industry overwhelming thought was sure to win some animation industry magazine survived Academy members asking which movie they voted for and why.

What they found was that a large number of the voters thought of animated movies as just for little kids and hadn't actually watched any of the nominees. They picked their vote by whatever they remembered children in their lives watching.

E.g., if they were parents of young children, they'd vote for whatever movie that their kids kept watching over and over. If they no longer had children at home they would ask grandkids or nieces or nephews "what cartoon did you like last year?" and vote for that.

Another factor was that a lot of these people would vote for the one they had heard the most about.

That gives Disney a big advantage. How the heck did Flow overcome that?

Inside Out 2 had a much wider theatrical release in the US, was widely advertised, made $650 million domestic, is the second highest grossing animated movie of all time so far worldwide, and streams on Disney+.

All that should contribute to making it likely that those large numbers of "vote even though they don't watch animated movies" Academy members would have heard of it.

Flow had a small US theatrical release at the end of the year. I didn't see any advertising for it. I'd expect a lot of Academy members hadn't heard of it.

As a guess, maybe Moana 2 is the movie that the kids are repeat streaming. That was not a nominee so maybe those "vote for what my kid watched" voters didn't vote this year and so we actually got a year where quality non-Disney movies had a chance?

  • CmdrKrool 9 hours ago

    Interesting. I loved Flow and I'm glad the stars aligned for it on this particular occasion. This article [1] lists a bunch of other Oscar-related firsts:

    * Gints Zilbalodis, who is 30 years old, is the youngest director to win the Oscar for best animated feature.

    * Flow is the first fully-European produced and funded film to win the feture animation Oscar.

    * Flow is the first dialogue-less film to win the feature animation Oscar.

    * Flow, made for under $4 million, is by far the lowest-budget film to ever win the category.

    It also says the winner of the animated short category, In the Shadow of the Cypress, was unexpected since the Iranian filmmakers couldn't do any of the usual in-person campaigning of Academy voters due to visa problems.

    [1] https://www.cartoonbrew.com/awards/underdogs-win-latvias-flo...

  • chillee 7 hours ago

    A couple things:

    1. The academy has had a significant increase of young voters in the past 10 years or so. Generally speaking, young voters are more likely to take animation as a "serious" medium.

    2. These interviews were always somewhat overstated. Of course some voters have stupid rationales, but I don't think this dominates the academy.

    3. Disney's Inside Out 2 was nowhere close to winning the award this year - Flow's biggest competition was The Wild Robot, which did gross far more than Inside Out 2, but far below Inside Out 2.

    If you look at the past couple years, The Boy and the Heron (Studio Ghibli) won over Across the Spider-Verse (with Pixar's movie Elemental nowhere close) in 2023, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio won over Across the Spider-Verse (with Pixar's movie Turning Red nowhere close) in 2022, etc.

    I'm curious what year you're thinking about above. Perhaps Toy Story 4 over Klaus in 2019?

  • stuart78 10 hours ago

    I would guess this is, to some degree, a generational shift. The Animated category has only existed for ~30 years and was born from the resentment many in the academy felt toward Beauty and the Beast being nominated alongside supposedly serious films for Best Picture. Each generation following that one has grown up with a more diverse slate of animated films available.

    The Oscars are the slowest possible reflection of social change, and I’m sure the perspective you share is still held my many members, but this win holds out some hope for sure.

  • dmazzoni 10 hours ago

    The Grammy awards for music are the same thing. Members aren't required to listen to the nominated albums, and every member gets to vote in every category.

    I had a friend who was a Recording Academy member as a classical musician. He thought it was strange that they asked him to vote for the best hip-hop album since he doesn't listen to hip-hop at all.

    So for many of the categories that are a little more niche, it basically turns into a popularity contest, rather than the opinion of true experts.

    • SoftTalker 10 hours ago

      Reminds me of when Jethro Tull won best Hard Rock/Metal category, beating out Metallica and AC/DC.

  • lukasb 10 hours ago

    Flow was a critical favorite, sometimes that matters at the Oscars.

  • tootie 10 hours ago

    I adored Flow. It's hard to say it was truly "better" than Inside Out 2. I think part of the calculation has to be that everyone expected Pixar to deliver something top notch so it only really met expectations. Flow was made by a no-name team from Latvia and was really something unique and interesting. I went into it kinda blind with no expectations and was blown away.

    • riffraff 8 hours ago

      I didn't think inside out 2 was a very good movie.

      It had good ideas but didn't do very well with them (contrary to the first movie, which was great). I'm not surprised a movie which wasn't "just a sequel" managed to beat Moana and IO2.

      • autoexec 5 hours ago

        I was also disappointed by inside out 2. I thought it followed the story beats of the first one a bit too closely. Flow was the better film.

  • Timwi 8 hours ago

    Could they have heard of it en masse because of its success at the Golden Globes?

    • dkh 5 hours ago

      Historically the Golden Globes are the biggest predictor of the Oscars, so, yes, but then you have to ask how it won the Golden Globe lol

viccis 10 hours ago

As someone who started using Blender before 1.8, posting on the old blender.nl forums before its move to BA, it's just been pretty insane to watch it reach this point. Back then it didn't even have ray tracing, and all of the attempts to make long form videos with it were very very rudimentary.

owenpalmer 11 hours ago

I remember being a little kid learning Blender, rooting for it to become the industry standard. It's amazing to see how much the project has grown.

kylecazar 11 hours ago

I heard him thank Blender in the first few sentences and had to Google it to see if he was talking about THAT Blender!

I remember doing all the tutorials when I was younger and considering game dev.

maxglute 10 hours ago

It shows, Blender has come a long way, but FLOW doesn't look technically incredible. On the otherhand, I just rewatched Shrek recently, and complex graphics isn't everything.

  • raxxorraxor 4 hours ago

    What do people mean with technically impressive? There are Blender renders that look quite incredible though and you just cannot differentiate it from real picture anymore

    Example: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58586fa5ebbd1a...

    There are probably some flaws here as well, but you need to study the picture in detail. And Flow used the fast renderer of Blender, not the quality one.

    Still, it does have a unique style that is much more interesting than many other animated movies. So what is technically impressive, just throwing more compute at it to make it photorealistic?

    I think art style will have a larger impact. In a way it is technically impressive as it didn't need a lot of compute power.

    • WhatThisGuySaid an hour ago

      I think people are specifically referring to the movie not looking technically impressive, not that Blender isn't capable of technically impressive renders at all.

  • raverbashing 8 hours ago

    No kidding, Shrek probably had to do with 100x less computing (per hour) than a modern production. First Toy Story probably something like 1000x less computing

    We did come a long way

  • bolognafairy 10 hours ago

    Take a look at the earlier concepts / renderings for Shrek! Before the studio gutted the team(?) and told everyone to pull their heads in. Absolutely off-putting.

neoecos 11 hours ago

This is the first movie I took my 3 yo kids to watch in a theater. My wife and I are FOSS enthusiasts.

mppm 33 minutes ago

I am honestly surprised by this. Congrats to the makers and to the Blender community, of course, but to me Flow looked more like a feature-film-length demo reel. And not even the most impressive demo reel, visually speaking. Compared to all the other animation films out there... I don't think it would rank even in the top 100 for me.

  • sbarre 30 minutes ago

    What would be your defining criteria for "best animated film" ?

    • mppm 26 minutes ago

      The overall package -- plot, characters, visual style. There are so many movies that nail all three, but Flow is weak in every category, IMO.

lemming 10 hours ago

I’m very pleased to see this, Flow was such a lovely film. I didn’t realise it was made with blender!

namuol 9 hours ago

Hey look, the good guys won! It was well-deserved. Three generations within my family all loved it start to finish, including the snobs like me - that’s no small feat.

(Nothing against the other nominees though of course, just seeing the little guy take a huge W makes me feel good and … I feel a bit starved of this kind of W lately? Just me?)

LostMyLogin 10 hours ago

Loved the film and was so happy to see it win. First nomination for Latvia I believe.

  • madars 9 hours ago

    First two nominations, in fact - Flow also got nominated for Best International Feature Film which went to Brazil's "I'm Still Here." Flow is a beautiful film and I can wholeheartedly recommend HN audience to watch it. It also has 97% audience rating and 98% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

edflsafoiewq 11 hours ago

My kingdom for a hyphen!

  • anamexis 11 hours ago

    You owe @dang your kingdom :)

    • boguscoder 11 hours ago

      I fixed it myself so perhaps I can claim half of the kingdom and half of the horse, please

ndsipa_pomu 3 hours ago

Still trying to find some english subtitles for the film

More seriously, I really enjoyed the film and it shows the importance of getting the story and emotional connection right.

FpUser 6 hours ago

I could not give a flying fuck what it was rendered with , tech level is not impressive. But what a story and presentation. I find Flow beautiful. I, my daughter and my grandson watched it and could not take our eyes away from it.

  • dkh 5 hours ago

    You may not care, and you don't have to, but certainly it means a lot to the Blender Foundation, who for 23 years have been actively working on something free & open-source, and now finally it is in the big leagues.

    Just as Flow's win looks even more impressive when you look at the films it competed against, who produced them, and what resources they had, Blender has been a project competing for parity and to be taken seriously while remaining totally free, and going up against systems that are either wildly expensive or not available outside the studio that made it at all.

    Flow is not good because it was made with Blender, but Blender is proven to be very good and in that top echelon because Flow was made with it. For those who make or use Blender, this is big. Those folks have already believed for years/decades that Blender was great and serious, but now a lot more people outside that circle will know this, too.

  • autoexec 4 hours ago

    > I could not give a flying fuck what it was rendered with , tech level is not impressive.

    It's pretty impressive to me that something of Flow's quality could be created with free software that's avilable to anyone with an internet connection. There are a lot of highly creative people out in the world without massive amounts of money for expensive hardware/software. It's exciting for the future of animation, and I hope all the news stories talking about Flow being made with Blender will inspire more people to give it a try and see what they can do with it.

danbmil 5 hours ago

I would love to see the day when Autodesk is sold to some scumbag bigCo for peanuts.

guelo 6 hours ago

I am baffled. My family found it boring, senseless and my kids didn't want to finish watching it. My theory is that the lack of talking makes people imagine there is something there when there is nothing. It makes zero sense. The graphics are also not very good.

  • dsign 4 hours ago

    That's the thing with narrative art. It doesn't click the same way, or at all, with everybody. And there is nothing wrong with that. Art that tries too hard to be appealing to everybody ends up being tepid.

    To me, for example, with the bits I've heard about the plot, Flow's story doesn't sound particularly appealing. But I'm over the Moon with the news of how it was made, and the fact that budding movie producers won't have to declare bankruptcy after paying Maxon for software licenses. And because the financial barrier is now slightly lower, it means there will be slightly less scripts-by-committee, and slightly better art for non-mainstream audiences.

  • thatswrong0 6 hours ago

    What isn’t there to get? it’s a dead simple concept

    • guelo 5 hours ago

      How? I feel like I'm being trolled. None of it makes sense. There's an unexplained great flood, unexplained human ruins, weird whale-like creatures, some kind of being sucked up into heaven thing that happens to the stork-like bird. I've seen people online trying to put it into a sensible plot but it's so heavy on made up symbolism that to me it's bullshit.

      • eurekin 5 hours ago

        I haven't seen the movie, but based solely on your comment, it reminds me of how Miyazaki films are often described—full of fantastical, otherworldly wonders that evoke the joy of exploring the unknown.

      • jgilias 5 hours ago

        I assume people found it refreshing that for one there’s an animated picture that doesn’t just pour down your throat the same story rehashed for the 1000-th time, and spelled out by a committee to ensure it’s “easy to understand”.

      • tnolet 4 hours ago

        That's the whole point. That it's not explained and you are left with tantalizing questions. It's ok to not like it. Not everyone likes the same things.

      • NicuCalcea 4 hours ago

        Why do you expect everyone to come away with the same message? Watching it, I thought about friendship, growth, climate change, death. Other people will see something else in it.

      • ErneX an hour ago

        Environmental is another form of storytelling. Not everything needs to be explained in detail.

ChrisArchitect 7 hours ago

Was wondering this when the film started winning stuff earlier in Awards season...

What is the connection between these things? Quirky meme video from awhile back: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMkyTWLpV/

I don't really understand the Blender model/meme-world crossover here - can someone explain? Similar models? Similar concept? Same creators? Kinda wacky. Complete coincidence?!

  • dkh 5 hours ago

    Look, I don't know if you have seen the movie, and I get that both the film and this TikTok video contain 1) a black cat and 2) a lush green backdrop. But one is a feature film that marvelously captured the mannerisms of its animal characters, has made countless adults cry and just won an Oscar. The other is a vacuous, seconds-long video where 2 static animal models rock back/forth a couple times on their Z-axis and spin a couple times on their Y-axis. Do you really think the similarities are striking, enough so to raise questions? Do you actually think there's a chance they are made by the same creator?

    I think to most people, the film and this video look like polar opposites.